11/17/2020 - PorkChop Hill - Inaugural BFD: Are You Growing or Slowing?
Intro: Flo pointed out last week that it seems like the pax are getting stronger. YHC agreed and thought it was time to measure our collective baseline fitness so we…
Intro: Flo pointed out last week that it seems like the pax are getting stronger. YHC agreed and thought it was time to measure our collective baseline fitness so we…
Conditions: This morning was a perfect morning to Smoke some shoulders @ PCH and get a nice 1-mile walk in. Rainy-ish steamy morning in the low 70’s. Perfect weather for…
Zoom from F3-Dunnwoody joined us for a great workout. WARMUP————— Arm circles Side straddle hops Merkins Flutter kicks Alarm clocks. Dying Cockroaches (360 crunches) Squat jumps Plank One lap around…
WIMBLEDON PAX of -shirly , tater, drone, peaches, folger Warm up SSH – 25x Hillbillies walkers 25x Freedom twist x 20 Squats x 20 The thang …
Welcome to Frenchy’s Farm, where we specialize in cultivating only the finest physique our farmhand PAX can achieve. Warmup: Michael Phelps while giving disclaimer Taught the PAX the Hairy Rockette…
Conditions: Another amazing morning at Porkchop Hill. Perfect weather for a beatdown. Folgers was there-so said beatdown could begin. I mean, the entire point of this day is for Folgers!…
Intro: We had 7 rosy cheeked Tick or Treaters with candy bags (coupon) in hand eagerly waiting to go door to door in the Gloom. We started Promptly at 5:30…
Conditions: Cooler and drier than Florida – that’s all that matters. 8 pax did a pre-workout manhood check and decided to un-fartsack anyway for a block party in the chilly…
Conditions: Cool and comfortable – not 100% humid! So, we had that going for us! Today marked the second BD @ our newest AO- PorkChop Hill, and YHC VQ. Warmup:…
Conditions: To long sleeve or not to long sleeve, that is the question. Today was an auspicious day in the short history of F3 Classic City, as four reg’lars and…