06/26/2024 - The Pound - Sprocket Driven Arms Day
5 Pax broke the day on the shores of Lake Herrick with a solid arms day. Pax: Sandworm (Q), Bambino, Peaches, Saddle Sore, and Drone Title: Sprocket Driven Arms Day…
5 Pax broke the day on the shores of Lake Herrick with a solid arms day. Pax: Sandworm (Q), Bambino, Peaches, Saddle Sore, and Drone Title: Sprocket Driven Arms Day…
Three pax circled the lake. The Q led Tom Bodett, “leave the light on”, of Naperville fame astray through the woods. Pax: Sandworm, Drone, Tom Bodett (Naperville) Picture Link: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.IAxCLpa2n8506aOZbZhgCwAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=041a8a9214ecc1751248341226132db6673701e5eca95cba39db02904088f8ec&ipo=images…
Three pax circled the lake. The Q led Tom Bodett, “leave the light on”, of Naperville fame astray through the woods. Pax: Sandworm, Drone, Tom Bodett (Naperville) Picture Link: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.IAxCLpa2n8506aOZbZhgCwAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=041a8a9214ecc1751248341226132db6673701e5eca95cba39db02904088f8ec&ipo=images…
In attendance: Addi Daddi (Q), Huffy, Tumble, Bogie (downrange) Warm up: Michael phelps (10 count in cadence), arm circles forward/reverse (10 count in cadence), windmill (10 count in cadence), squat…
In attendance: Addi Daddi (Q), Huffy, Tumble, Bogie (downrange) Warm up: Michael phelps (10 count in cadence), arm circles forward/reverse (10 count in cadence), windmill (10 count in cadence), squat…
Conditions: Warmer and stickier than a Krispy Kreme donut With the perfect, diagonally robo-cut IM field grass glistening in the sunrise, sweat already crowning our brows by 6:58, and much of…
Conditions: Warmer and stickier than a Krispy Kreme donut With the perfect, diagonally robo-cut IM field grass glistening in the sunrise, sweat already crowning our brows by 6:58, and much of…
Title: GLOOM Horn LEG Horn Pax: Sandworm (Q), Addi Daddi Summary: Took a trip to the UGA intramural pond and burned our our legs on the way. Picture: https://jadensadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Foghorn_Leghorn WARMUP…
Title: GLOOM Horn LEG Horn Pax: Sandworm (Q), Addi Daddi Summary: Took a trip to the UGA intramural pond and burned our our legs on the way. Picture: https://jadensadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Foghorn_Leghorn WARMUP…
Title: Recon for Traveling with Bricks Pax: Sandworm (Q), CSPAN, Addi Daddi, Saddle Sore, Drone Summary: Traveled to the Art School side of the campus and did reconnaissance for a…