AO: PorkChop Hill
When: 09/14/2021
Number of Pax: 2
Pax Names: Downward Dog, Drone,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Downward Dog
The BackBlast:
1 minute Lizard Pose each leg
15 IC low slow flutter kicks
15 IC modified flutter kicks
20 IC hip bridges
20 IC hip bridges leg extensions
15 IC The Swimmer
10 Prone back bends
1 lap around the parking lot
—Focus shifts on each exercise to Upper, Lower, Mid, oblique, and full abdominal muscles
—1 minute on / 30 second recovery—
Reverse crunches
Flutter kicks
American hammers
Knee to elbow tucks (prone)
1 lap around the parking lot
Reach for the sky (high) crunches
Scissors (prone)
Elbow plank
Oblique crunches
Freddy Mercuries
1 lap around the parking lot
Leg raises
Star (wide arm/wide leg) planks
Rockies (punching) sit-ups with mitts
1 minute Lizard Pose each leg
15 IC low slow flutter kicks
15 IC modified flutter kicks
20 IC hip bridges
20 IC hip bridges leg extensions
15 IC The Swimmer
10 Prone back bends
1 lap around the parking lot
—Focus shifts on each exercise to Upper, Lower, Mid, oblique, and full abdominal muscles
—1 minute on / 30 second recovery—
Reverse crunches
Flutter kicks
American hammers
Knee to elbow tucks (prone)
1 lap around the parking lot
Reach for the sky (high) crunches
Scissors (prone)
Elbow plank
Oblique crunches
Freddy Mercuries
1 lap around the parking lot
Leg raises
Star (wide arm/wide leg) planks
Rockies (punching) sit-ups with mitts