AO: PorkChop Hill

When: 12/04/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Con Air, Drone, Folgers, Peches, Stroke Seat, Tater,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Tater

The BackBlast:


Warm –

SSH x 25 IC


Hillbilly x 15 IC


Mountain Climber x 15 IC


Good Mornings x 10 IC





Mosey to baseball diamond and partners. P1 runs the bases while P2 bear crawls the same loop. Keep the distance with the team doing bear crawls, lunges and broad jump burpees until the loop is completed.


Are Baseball Players wimps?

PAX sprints to 1st base and performs 5 burpee, sprints to 2nd base and performs 5 burpees, sprints to 3rd base and performs 3 burpees, and then sprints back to Home Plate for a 10 count. Repeat with 15 push ups/ 20 crab touches/ 20 squats


Taters In the Outfield

PAX line up on batting cage and perform wall sit. PAX on the end runs around the bases and files into the back of the line. Next PAX goes. All PAX hold wall sit until last PAX returns.



Reverse Crunch x 25


Big Boy Situps x 25


Box Cutters x 15


Flutter Kicks x 20


ABCs (led by Stroke Seat)


Mumblechatter –

Remember to be a GOOD man and REAL Bro. Worry less about being a REAL man


Prayer requests for Drone and Family, and Flo and Family.



Warm –

SSH x 25 IC


Hillbilly x 15 IC


Mountain Climber x 15 IC


Good Mornings x 10 IC





Mosey to baseball diamond and partners. P1 runs the bases while P2 bear crawls the same loop. Keep the distance with the team doing bear crawls, lunges and broad jump burpees until the loop is completed.


Are Baseball Players wimps?

PAX sprints to 1st base and performs 5 burpee, sprints to 2nd base and performs 5 burpees, sprints to 3rd base and performs 3 burpees, and then sprints back to Home Plate for a 10 count. Repeat with 15 push ups/ 20 crab touches/ 20 squats


Taters In the Outfield

PAX line up on batting cage and perform wall sit. PAX on the end runs around the bases and files into the back of the line. Next PAX goes. All PAX hold wall sit until last PAX returns.



Reverse Crunch x 25


Big Boy Situps x 25


Box Cutters x 15


Flutter Kicks x 20


ABCs (led by Stroke Seat)


Mumblechatter –

Remember to be a GOOD man and REAL Bro. Worry less about being a REAL man


Prayer requests for Drone and Family, and Flo and Family.


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