AO: PorkChop Hill
When: 11/10/2022
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names: Billy Goat, Cheese Steak, Drone, Folgers, Rookie, Saddle Sore, Sandworm,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Sandworm
The BackBlast:
A blustery day full of negative exercises and cheerful mumble chatter.
Title: The Positives and the Negatives
Pax: (Sandworm, Rookie, Saddle Sore, Cheese Steak, Folgers, Billy Goat, Drone)
Warm up
- Windmills
- Pushups – 25 in sets of 5
- Situps – 25 in sets of 5
Dynamic Stretch (Note: Amphibious count was a 10 count of both sides equaling 20 movements)
- Gate (10 open, 10 closed)
- Swing (10 Forward, 10 Backward)
- Knee Bend (10 High Knees, 10 Butt Kicks)
- Lunge (5 Regular, 5 Spiderman)
- Move (Walk, Skip, Jump, Karaoke – Note: Tourist count was locational and had no actual counts – between light poles)
The Thang
Rounds (On the count Go 1, 2, 3, 4 Return, or Down 1, 2, 3, 4 Up) (number of exercise determined by the Q)
Round One
- Incline Merkins
- Overhead Press
- Standing Tricep Extensions
- World War II Situps
- Right Arm Lat Pulls
- Romanian Deadlifts
Round Two
- Merkins
- Monster Lateral Extention
- On the Ground Tricep Extensions
- Leglifts
- Left Arm Lat Pulls
- Squats
Round Three
- Derkins
- Overhead Press
- Standing Tricep Extensions
- Box Cutters
- Two Arm Lat Pulls
- Lunges
Choice of Mosey after each round
- Lap around the parking lot
- Dynamic Mosey (Amphibious and Tourist counts)
- Gate (5 open, 5 closed)
- Swing (5 Forward, 5 Backward)
- Knee Bend (5 High Knees, 5 Butt Kicks)
- Move (Walk, Skip, Jump, Karaoke – Note: Tourist count was locational and had no actual counts – between light poles)
plank holds after the mosey if you finish ahead of the pax
COT – Items focused on tiredness, relationships, and work
- Positives (did well)
- Negatives (do better)
The Q forgot the count-o-rama and the name-o-rama and deserves a burpee penalty.
Ended with prayer and pledge
A blustery day full of negative exercises and cheerful mumble chatter.
Title: The Positives and the Negatives
Pax: (Sandworm, Rookie, Saddle Sore, Cheese Steak, Folgers, Billy Goat, Drone)
Warm up
- Windmills
- Pushups – 25 in sets of 5
- Situps – 25 in sets of 5
Dynamic Stretch (Note: Amphibious count was a 10 count of both sides equaling 20 movements)
- Gate (10 open, 10 closed)
- Swing (10 Forward, 10 Backward)
- Knee Bend (10 High Knees, 10 Butt Kicks)
- Lunge (5 Regular, 5 Spiderman)
- Move (Walk, Skip, Jump, Karaoke – Note: Tourist count was locational and had no actual counts – between light poles)
The Thang
Rounds (On the count Go 1, 2, 3, 4 Return, or Down 1, 2, 3, 4 Up) (number of exercise determined by the Q)
Round One
- Incline Merkins
- Overhead Press
- Standing Tricep Extensions
- World War II Situps
- Right Arm Lat Pulls
- Romanian Deadlifts
Round Two
- Merkins
- Monster Lateral Extention
- On the Ground Tricep Extensions
- Leglifts
- Left Arm Lat Pulls
- Squats
Round Three
- Derkins
- Overhead Press
- Standing Tricep Extensions
- Box Cutters
- Two Arm Lat Pulls
- Lunges
Choice of Mosey after each round
- Lap around the parking lot
- Dynamic Mosey (Amphibious and Tourist counts)
- Gate (5 open, 5 closed)
- Swing (5 Forward, 5 Backward)
- Knee Bend (5 High Knees, 5 Butt Kicks)
- Move (Walk, Skip, Jump, Karaoke – Note: Tourist count was locational and had no actual counts – between light poles)
plank holds after the mosey if you finish ahead of the pax
COT – Items focused on tiredness, relationships, and work
- Positives (did well)
- Negatives (do better)
The Q forgot the count-o-rama and the name-o-rama and deserves a burpee penalty.
Ended with prayer and pledge