AO: PorkChop Hill

When: 03/10/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Drone, Folgers, Sandworm,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sandworm

The BackBlast:

Perfect spring day to focus on the positives and the negatives. Three Pax were well worked and smiling with workout music in the background.

PAX Warmup

Mosey Warmup

Round Basics

  • Rounds of Negatives as exercises (1 Chest, 1 Shoulder, 1 Tricept, 1 Stomach, 1, Lat, & 1 Leg)
  • PAX’s had the choice of unweighted or weighted where appropriate
  • Mosey’s with a funky step to begin and end between each round

Round One (On the count Go 1, 2, 3, 4 Return, or Down 1, 2, 3, 4 Up)

  1. Incline Merkins
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Standing Tricep Extensions
  4. World War II Situps
  5. Right Arm Lat Raises
  6. Romanian Deadlifts

Round Two

  1. Merkins
  2. Monster Lateral Extention
  3. On the Ground Tricep Extensions
  4. Leglifts
  5. Left Arm Lat Raises
  6. Squats

Round Three

  1. Derkins
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Standing Tricep Extensions
  4. Box Cutters
  5. Two Arm Lat Raises
  6. Lunges

Included three rounds of  mosey


Perfect spring day to focus on the positives and the negatives. Three Pax were well worked and smiling with workout music in the background.

PAX Warmup

Mosey Warmup

Round Basics

  • Rounds of Negatives as exercises (1 Chest, 1 Shoulder, 1 Tricept, 1 Stomach, 1, Lat, & 1 Leg)
  • PAX’s had the choice of unweighted or weighted where appropriate
  • Mosey’s with a funky step to begin and end between each round

Round One (On the count Go 1, 2, 3, 4 Return, or Down 1, 2, 3, 4 Up)

  1. Incline Merkins
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Standing Tricep Extensions
  4. World War II Situps
  5. Right Arm Lat Raises
  6. Romanian Deadlifts

Round Two

  1. Merkins
  2. Monster Lateral Extention
  3. On the Ground Tricep Extensions
  4. Leglifts
  5. Left Arm Lat Raises
  6. Squats

Round Three

  1. Derkins
  2. Overhead Press
  3. Standing Tricep Extensions
  4. Box Cutters
  5. Two Arm Lat Raises
  6. Lunges

Included three rounds of  mosey


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