06/15/2021 - PorkChop Hill - Rewind

Warmup—- Arm circles forward/backwards Windmills Imperial walker Lap around parking lot The Thang—- 20 sit-ups, run, run backwards x2 20 Merkins, imperial walker, imperial walker backwards x 2 30 Flutter…

06/03/2021 - PorkChop Hill - Downward Dog IPA

Downward Dog IPA  Intermittent Planks and Abs Ingredients: Warmup: Arm circles,Windmills,Bridge (Hip raises), Fire hydrants, Last man up run The Thang: (Shuttle run, hold plank, ab exercise) Repeat     Added plank…

03/02/2021 - PorkChop Hill - Tap Out

Tap out Chest hand release Mericans Leg straight dips Burpees Legs Bonnie Blair’s with arms in the air Jump squats Step ups with calf raise 5 merkins circle of pain…